9 Februari 2012

Day by day

"Maaf ya tadi malem aku egois banget rasanya, padahal itu kan suka-suka kamu mau cari cewek lain atau gimana"

"Nah kalo kamu kayak gini terus, kapan bisa cari cowok lain coba"

"Iya sih, haha... Sayang ya kita bukan yang terbaik untuk masing-masing dari kita"

"Ya begitulah..."

This morning was cold. Still you are the first thing on my mind. Its almost six month and I still cant found 'the closure' for our relationship. He pisses me off when he can easily say he love me but few hours later say he want to find another girl. Yeah, boy, I cant read whats in your mind. Maybe it simply because you now we are not going anywhere.

2 komentar:

  1. pernah ngalamin...
    agak2 sebel jadinya, plus sedih, plus cemburu, plus bingung.. akhirnya jadi galau...

    cheers, Tam!
    bakal ada yg lbh baik utkmu di luar sana :)

  2. Semangaaat saatnya cari pacar baruuu hahaa...


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